Grant Fishbook, Lead Teaching Pastor
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus was preparing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
for Easter?
More than just a timeline…
Jesus awakens in Bethany (Mark 14)
Peter and John sent to prepare for the Passover (Luke 22:7–13)
Jesus walks to Jerusalem (Matthew 26:17–20)
After sunset, Jesus eats a meal with his closest friends, washes their feet and shares Communion and the New Covenant for the first time (John 13:1–17, Matt. 26:17–30)
Judas leaves and prepares to turn Jesus over to the Sanhedrin (John 13:30)
Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36–46)
The disciples fall asleep (Matthew 26:40–41)
Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested (Luke 22:47)
Jesus is taken to the house of Caiaphas, the High Priest (Matthew 26:57–68)
Jesus is betrayed by Peter (Matthew 26:69–75)
The trials begin (Matthew 26:57–68)
On the brink of paying for our salvation, Jesus chooses:
with close friends
Embracing all that will become
—not my will, but yours be done.
What are you choosing this Holy Week?
Small Group Questions
- Are you more of a “plan every detail” type or “play it by ear” type?
- How do you prepare for a moment in your life that you know will include a large investment of emotion and energy?
- Read the timeline and the scriptures? What is God saying to you about the way Jesus approached Holy Thursday?
- Which of the choices Jesus made (listed above) do you need to make this week to make sure you fully embrace Easter?
- What’s one part of your life you can do without (remove, eliminate, shift, postpone) during Holy Week so that you can fully focus on Jesus and His journey to the cross?
- How can we pray for you right now and throughout the week?